Choosing Tech in 2024: What Matters

Choosing Tech in 2024: What Matters

Stephen Greco

In the fast-paced world of technology, the debate over the “best” framework or tech stack can quickly turn heated. With an 11-year journey in software development, leading teams and steering enterprise projects primarily in client-side applications, I’ve navigated these discussions firsthand. My aim here is to share personal insights, hoping to shed light on how to approach these decisions with clarity and confidence in 2024. Remember, these reflections stem from my experiences; they are subjective and may not apply universally.

1. Decoding Technical Requirements

The heart of any project lies in its requirements. A common pitfall I’ve observed is the allure of new, shiny technologies, leading to choices that may not align with actual project needs. It’s crucial to dissect your project’s requirements before narrowing down your options. For instance, a straightforward blog or website hardly benefits from a Single Page Application framework if it doesn’t fit the purpose. Similarly, choosing a NoSQL database for relational data tasks might not be the wisest decision. The key is simplicity and appropriateness, ensuring technology serves the project, not complicates it.

2. Understanding Team Dynamics

Team skills and competencies are paramount. In my leadership roles, gauging my team’s proficiency with certain technologies has always been a starting point. While fostering learning and upskilling is valuable, it shouldn’t compromise product quality. If my team excels in React, we’ll leverage that to ensure a high-quality output. It’s about playing to your strengths while being mindful of project requirements and potential learning curves for new technologies, especially on the backend where differences can be more pronounced.

3. Timing is Everything

Time constraints can dramatically influence tech stack decisions. I recall a project with a tight deadline where we opted for WordPress to deploy a static website quickly, bypassing our usual, more complex processes. Despite none of us having prior WordPress experience, it was a pragmatic choice under time pressure. This experience underscores the importance of flexibility and the willingness to adapt to meet deadlines, even if it means venturing into unfamiliar territory.

4. The Cost Factor

In today’s cloud-dominated landscape, cost considerations are inevitable. Evaluating the financial implications of different technologies, from container orchestration to content management systems, is part of my role as a technical leader. The goal is to balance cost against the value delivered, ensuring that budget constraints don’t compromise the project’s success or scalability.


Leading a team through the maze of tech stack decisions is no small feat. It’s about stripping away personal biases to make choices that align with project goals, team capabilities, and constraints like time and budget. These guidelines aren’t just for leaders but for anyone in a team making technical decisions. By focusing on what truly matters—delivering a stable, maintainable product—you can navigate these choices with confidence and clarity.

Remember, the landscape of technology is ever-evolving, and what works today may evolve tomorrow. Keep learning, stay adaptable, and let your unique project needs guide your tech stack decisions.